As of the 1st of November the Scottish Government will be implementing changes that will affect the NHS dental service you receive.
Such change will reduce the frequency at which you will be eligible to receive both your routine examination and your routine clean appointments.
As a direct result we have chosen to offer an independent service for those who wish to continue receiving the care currently offered, that will run alongside your current NHS dental care.
We have carefully priced this service to closely match that of the new increased fees that have been set out by the Scottish government.
For more information, please check out our FAQ section regarding the changes being implemented by the Scottish government.
Any further queries/questions you may have please contact the practice on 01292 313334 to discuss.
Kind regards,
South Beach Dental Surgery

What is the cost?
Hygienist appointments (also known more commonly as a 'scale & polish') will now be offered as a 20min independent appointment at a charge of £45
Anyone also wishing to receive additional EXAM appointment to their NHS ones will be charged at £25
Why the change?
From the 1st of November the Scottish Government are introducing wholesale changes to the NHS dental service.
These changes largely will reduce the frequency at which you are eligible to receive certain treatments.
We are offering an alternative to minimise this disruption.
These changes will also allow us to continue providing services we would otherwise not be able to financially sustain going forward.
What if I'm exempt form NHS charges?
Everyone will still be eligible for NHS treatment as we wish to stress you will remain a registered NHS patient.
However, with the changes being implemented anyone wishing a HYGIENE appointment will be required to be prior assessed at a routine EXAM appointment by their dentist.
Only after assessment will you be deemed suitable or not for an NHS scaling.
What other changes can I expect?
Other changes that will be seen are an increase to all fees for dental treatments.
Please note to help with these increases to patient charges we will try to provide everyone with estimates for treatments.
Am I a private patient now?
No, If you are currently an NHS patient you will remain one.
The independent service we are offering is designed to run alongside any NHS care.
You are not obliged to attend these appointment if you do not wish to.
How often can I get a check up appointment?
Previously every 6 months on the NHS, the Scottish Government are now increasing this to a check up appointment every 12 months.
Patient Advice
Anti-inflammatories (like ibuprofen) can help reduce sensitivity from teeth. Combining paracetamol and ibuprofen has also been shown to be effective.
There is currently no strong evidence that drugs like ibuprofen can make COVID19 worse.
If you have no coronavirus symptoms carry on taking ibuprofen as normal.
So until we have more information, take paracetamol to treat symptoms of coronavirus, unless your doctor has told you paracetamol is not suitable for you.
*Painkillers should always be taken in accordance with instructions on the packet. Taking too many tablets, or taking medications incorrectly will not improve your symptoms, and can cause serious stomach and liver injury which can be life threatening.

If the tooth is extremely sensitive to hot or cold, antibiotics will not help. The decay must be removed and filled.
These home measures may help make symptoms manageable until care can be accessed.
Good cleaning with fluoride toothpaste and reducing sugar intake will help stop decay from getting worse.
If there is a hole in the tooth, or a tooth has cracked and is now sensitive/sharp, a temporary filling can be packed into the space. (These are widely available from supermarkets and pharmacies)
Desensitising/sensitive toothpaste can help. Rub toothpaste directly on the affected area and do not rinse afterwards.
Anaesthetic gel such as Orajel can help ease pain.
If there is a hole in the tooth or tooth/filling has cracked then:
A self made temorary filling can be packed into the space. Temporary filling kits are available from supermarkets and pharmacies
Take painkillers
Avoid very hot or cold food
If there are sharp edges you may be able to cover it with sugar free gum, a bit of soft wax or cotton wool. It may feel very sharp at first but your tongue/cheek will usually settle within a few days

Crown/Cap out
Clean the crown/cap and tooth. If the crown appear mostly hollow then it may be possible to re-cement it:
Check the crown/cap fits without cement and make sure the bite feels normal
Use a dental cement or a denture fixative that you can buy from a pharmacy or supermarket
Practice placing the crown/cap a few times before using cement. Place the crown/cap and press firmly with your fingers and then bite firmly to make sure it is fully seated
Remove the extra cement with floss or cotton bud
*This is unlikely to work for veneers
Wisdom teeth
Wisdom tooth pain is usually due to inflammation of the gum over the erupting tooth, which can be worsened by trauma from biting.
Most flare ups can be managed with good home care and should settle in a few days to a week:
Excellent cleaning (even if it is painful to brush, the area must be kept clean to encourage healing)
Corsodyl mouthwash (avoid use for >1 week as may cause staining)
Warm salty water
Soft diet (soft food will reduce trauma from biting)
Painkillers (ibuprofen or paracetamol following packet instructions)
*If you have difficulty swallowing, swelling in your face or cheek or difficulty opening your mouth, call your dentist. You may need antibiotics if the infection is spreading